Sunday 19 November 2017

Reflection on delivering embedded digital literacy

This week I successfully delivered a one day course to a group of six NHS staff in South Wales about online bullying and cyber violence.

This is a course that I originally co-designed with UNISON and colleagues in Adult Learning Wales last year as the centrepiece of UNISON Cymru Wales' contribution to the UK International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and later adapted for a wider audience and I have delivered the course to over eighty people in the last 12 months.

The course is entitled "Combatting Cyber Violence and Online Bullying" (CCV) and is based on the 1 Credit, Level 1 Agored Cymru QALL unit "Understanding Cyberbullying". The session is framed by my ever-evolving tutor presentation:

I also attended the third session of the Digital Literacy Practitioner course, and here is my vlog post reflecting on my delivery on Thursday 9th November and on the DLP course:

Here is my reflection on my teaching session in Aberystwyth on Friday 17th November.

About Me

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Mackem immigrant to wonderful North Wales. Surrounded by mountains, sheep and chickens I muse on politics, education, sport, music and culture.